Introduction to Surrogate Indexes

object oriented programming
data processing

February 21, 2025

import pandas as pd


Pandera schema’s are a useful tool to make sure input data is as expected. If you’ve ever used dbt before, theyre just like schema tests or great-expectations.

Data validation is extremely important for just about everyone in the data science space. For instance, your model may not be expecting null values, or maybe it needs data to be iid. This is where Pandera can come in and excel, especially when you don’t have control over the input data.

Inheritance for reusing schema

I recently had a project where I wasn’t responsible for and had no control over the input data. For a particularly model, many different datasets would be sent to different models for inference, and I couldn’t always rely on the data being properly structured.

I was also working with a range of different models including time-varying survival and time series models. I wanted to be able to reuse as much code across models, which is where Pandera comes in.

Lets start with looking at some panel data:

panel = pd.DataFrame({
entity_id date metric
0 1 2023-01-01 0
1 1 2023-02-01 1
2 2 2023-01-01 1

It turns out Time Series data is typically going to be panel data (although not always true). Time-varying survival data is also a special case of panel data, where each entity (for instance a customer’s subscription id) starts at some point at there are consistently spaced observations.

Class inheritance is a perfect pattern to reflect this. We can do something like the following to reuse schema checks and save a lot of lines of code.

class PanelSchema:

class TimeSeriesSchema(PanelSchema):

class TimevaryingSurvivalSchema(PanelSchema):

For example, we can make a panel schema with some obvious checks:

class BasePanelSchema(pa.DataFrameModel):
    def infer_frequency(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
        """Identifies the frequency of dates in the panel dataset"""

    def validate(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, *args, **kwargs):
        # Run and save dataset frequency before other validations
        cls.Config.metadata["freq"] = cls.infer_frequency(df)
        return super().validate(df, *args, **kwargs)

class PanelSchema(BasePanelSchema):
    """Panel Data schema. This assumes that Panel Data has 1 entry per entity per date, and that all
    dates between the min and the max date for an entity should exist as records, evenly spaced.
    entity_id: Series[str] = pa.Field(coerce=True, nullable=False)
    date: Series[DateTime] = pa.Field(coerce=True, nullable=False)

    class Config:
        unique = ["entity_id", "date"]
        strict = False
        metadata: dict = {}

    def validate_frequency(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> bool:
        """Ensures that every entity has the same frequency between dates of consecutive records"""
        # Use the inferred frequency for some validation

    def check_complete_date_index_per_entity(cls, df: DataFrame) -> Series[bool]:
        """Ensures that all dates (at the applicable frequency) between the min and the max date for
        an entity should exist as records.

As a starting point, this makes it really easy to extend to time series models.

panel.query("entity_id==1").assign(y=[100, 105])
entity_id date y
0 1 2023-01-01 100
1 1 2023-02-01 105

I can take my PanelSchema and inherit it for different data models. A simple example is lets say I need a non-null outcome:

class UnivariateTimeSeriesSchema(PanelSchema):
    y: Series[float] = pa.Field(coerce=True, nullable=False)

and just like that, I have all of those previous data checks extended to my time series model.

There are some downsides though. First, you cant parameterize field names, for instance your outcome needs to be named y. I’d also need an entity_id column for this to work because the PanelSchema requires it - but that’s simple enough, you could just add say a product_id field with the product name you’re forecasting.

For time-varying survival schema, they can be defined as

class TimeVaryingSurvivalSchema(PanelSchema):
    """A schema for Time Varying Survival Analysis, should be a unique and complete panel dataset
    on the `entity_id` and `time` columns.
    tenure: Series[int] = pa.Field(ge=0, coerce=True, nullable=False)
    event: Series[int] = pa.Field(isin=[0, 1], coerce=True, nullable=False)
    exposure: Series[float] = pa.Field(le=1, ge=0, coerce=True, nullable=False)

    def check_tenure_is_consecutive(cls, df: DataFrame) -> Series[bool]:

    def check_max_one_event_per_entity(cls, df: DataFrame) -> Series[bool]:

    def check_event_is_last_obs_per_entity(cls, df: DataFrame) -> Seris[bool]:

In this case, it inherits all of the previous schema checks from PanelSchema. We extend it further to add some survival analysis schema specific checks - for instance, for each entity_id, we expect there to be a tenure column indicating each consecutive time period. A common example for tenure is the months since a customer started a subscription.

    exposure=[1,0.5, 0.25],
    event = [0, 1, 1]
entity_id date tenure exposure event
0 1 2023-01-01 0 1.00 0
1 1 2023-02-01 1 0.50 1
2 2 2023-01-01 0 0.25 1

Whats great about this is that its all so easy to read and mimics how we think about it conceptually. Time Series and Time-varying survival are just sub-categories of panel data. And our code mimics that perfectly.

Concluding Thoughts

Pandera has some nice use cases, particularly when you’re not sure what data you’re going to get thrown at you. The read-ability is fantastic, and it can save a ton of code.

That said there were some caveats I’ve run into (some of which I mentioned above):

  1. Field names can’t be parameterized. For instance, maybe for Survival analysis I want the outcome to be named churn instead of event.
  2. Will this scale for massive datasets? I’m not sure if the code will be able to stay this clean at larger scales, especially for consecutive row based operations like validating frequencies. Not sure how that one will play out when the data needs to be batched.
  3. Pandera isn’t the most flexible since you’re typically working with uninstantiated classes and class methods. There can be some growing pains for less experienced programmers
  4. There is a really cool yaml output feature that lets you take a schema and get a yaml list of all of the checks it will run, but it doesn’t support custom checks and that basically makes it unusable.
  5. I found that the project maintainers weren’t that responsive on github

Overall, its definitely a useful tool to keep in your back pocket, but I have two pieces of advice:

  1. If you have the luxury of predictable data inputs or you’re modeling a single dataset over time, you probably don’t need this and can stick to dbt validation or something simple.
  2. If you’re working on large datasets, maybe do a POC and make sure your schema approach will work for data thats loaded in batches

Note: I may update this later to have actual working code to demo, but for now it’s pseudocode.